Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition

The Rompa Childrens' Kitchen

The House of Rompa 'Cookery Room' dedicated to our 0 – 5’s for cooking, baking, learning basic facts about food with our own little growing patch and green house, so from “Seed to Eat” and it also introduced the children to “Sally Skeleton”, “Martin Muscles” and “Peter Pelican”

In our opinion, it is imperative that children are taught from an early age the importance of healthy, nutritional eating, hygiene and also the impact this has on our bodies, now and in the future.

Sally Skeleton and Martin Muscles are all about interaction, learning about our bones, how they grow, how many different types of bones we have, how they work and what they need to be kept healthy.

Muscles too, what do they do, what do they look like, how do they work, the pieces are all very easy to handle and fit together like a jigsaw – making the learning fun and exciting in an age appropriate manner.

We will spend time together talking about fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products and finding out where they came from, when asked “Where do eggs come from?” one of our pre-schooler’s replied, “from the fridge!”

Peter Pelican is an ultra violet hand wash trainer that helps teach the children how to wash their hands correctly, bearing in mind germs can stay alive on hands for up to 3 hours and can cause some nasty infections!

By applying a small amount of 'Ultra Violet Lotion', after washing their hands and then placing them under the lamp, any bugs and germs will then “glow” highlighting that another hand wash is necessary to ensure no more “glowing!”.

This is an activity that both the children and staff thoroughly enjoy.

Providing an Outstanding Child Experience

Our Nursery in Wilmslow

Our Nursery in Wilmslow

With a 9.9 rating rating at our parents continue to praise our work and teaching methods


Rompa Staff

Rompa Staff

Our extensive approach to learning and individual child development is at the very core of our ethos


Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition

The Kitchen is dedicated to our 0 – 5’s for cooking, baking, learning basic facts about food with our own little growing patch and green house